Of all the evil entities within the Satanic realm, the spirit of witchcraft stands out as the solitary force capable of influencing an individual to engage in activities such as preaching the gospel, prophesying, speaking in tongues, participating in choir performances, and assuming leadership roles within a church. The primary ...


It is imperative to select friends judiciously, as not all individuals may have your well-being in mind. As stated in Proverbs 12:26, "The righteous carefully choose their companions." Remaining vigilant and prayerful in selecting those within your inner circle is advised. In John 6:70, Jesus remarked, "Did I not choose ...

Five Reasons why God might not answer a prayer.

“Therefore, do not pray for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee” (Jeremiah 7:16). KJV Proverbs 1:28 says, “Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will earnestly seek me but will ...

God’s Approved Fast

Breakthrough |Freedom | Dominion. Have you ever engaged in fasting and prayer with the hopes of divine intervention, only to find yourself unanswered by God? Have you ever considered the possibility that your fasting may have been carried out incorrectly? What does scripture teach us about the practice of fasting? ...


The Bible says in 1 John 2:16 NLT “For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world”. The King James Version Bible put it this ...

Unwrapping God’s gift to Humanity

The very first Christmas was celebrated by God giving humanity a gift. This gift was not an ordinary gift because this gift was not wrapped up in a beautiful decorated Christmas wrap. This gift according to Luke 2:7, was wrapped up in a “swaddling cloth” and layed in a Manger ...

Prayers that God cannot reject.

All Christians engage in prayer in some manner. Some report experiencing results when they pray, while others do not. There are seven distinct types of prayer that when accompanied by faith God always answer. 1. Prayer for Divine wisdom. The Bible says in 1 Kings 3:1-15, “That night God appeared ...

Trusting God during times of uncertainty

There is nothing as painful as searching for help from God through prayer and feeling like He is not answering you. When the future seems hopeless, and you feel like you’ve come to a dead end, seek answers in the book of truth, which is the Bible. Let's read a ...

Influencing our elected City Councillors with Heavens Mandate.

The glass door behind me marks the venue where the Mayor and City Councillors of my City convene to enact legislative laws that govern the lives of the citizens in my City.  #Godhealourland Ministry Team Ministered the Word of God and offered prayers to the God of Heaven on behalf ...

The Strong Christian

Jesus serves as the focal point of God’s design encompassing all aspects of heaven and earth. He functions as the conduit that restores the connection between humanity and their Creator. According to Colossians 1:16-18, Jesus holds supremacy over all creation. The Bible says: “For in him all things were created, ...


Today, I pray that God performs a noticeable miracle in your life. A noticeable miracle is an extraordinary event that will serve as confirmation to you and those in your surroundings that God is truly by your side. In Acts 4:16, the Bible talks about a crippled man who received ...

Regardless of what the devil throws at you.

Do you often feel like you are always under attack? You are not alone! King David felt the same way in Psalms 3:1. David said: Oh Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise against me. David also said in Psalms 27:3: “Though a multitude ...

Because He lives, You will also live

Jesus was a miracle child, His ministry was full of miracles. As a matter of fact, Jesus performed 37 remarkable miracles while on earth. However, the most significant miracle attributed to Jesus was not the ones He performed on others but rather, His resurrection from the dead. The concept of ...

A Time of Restitution

"Then Jehoahaz prayed to God and the LORD heard his prayer, for he could see how the king of Aram was oppressing Israel" 2 KINGS 13:4. To oppress means: To maltreat someone or to abuse them. The book of Exodus 1:12, tells a story of how the children of Israel, ...


How can a tomb, traditionally a sepulchral or burial place for the dead, serve as a symbol of victory? The vacant tomb symbolizes the anticipation of divine promise for all Christians. It represents the belief in reuniting with Jesus Christ following earthly life, as expressed in the statement "because he ...

The Greatest Miracle

The Bible says:“Suddenly, there was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him ...

Spiritual stamina for your next level

Daniel prayed and fasted for 3 weeks (Daniel 10:10-14), and would not quit until he heard from heaven. Daniels's persistence in prayer activated the release of two Archangels to be dispatched on his behalf. Today, I pray that God will clothe you with a spiritual mantle to pray like never ...

Exterminating the seed of discord

Heavenly Father, You prayed for all believers in John 17:20-23 and said, “that all believers may be one”. You prayed that all Christians will be unified. I pray that any powers that are working behind the scenes to break up churches, to promote disputes, schisms and contention, resulting in the ...

When you are in the storm of your life  

What is a storm? The dictionary definition of a storm is a violent disturbance of an atmosphere filled with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning or snow A storm may be defined as an unforeseen adversity, an uncontrollable circumstance in which an individual finds themselves unable to manage or ...

Keeping the devil on the defence 

Did you know that you can be a Christian and not know how to pray? Did you know that prayer can be learned? Did you know that you can develop a habit of praying more effectively? In the four gospels, Jesus' disciples, although exposed to his teachings and public and ...
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