Let's Talk

“For the time will come, when people will no longer listen to sound doctrine. Instead, they will follow their own desires, and look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. –2 Timothy 4:3. Let’s Talk is a platform designed to deliver controversial topics that you may not hear behind the pulpit at our churches today. It provides an opportunity to explore more about the true identity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His message about the Kingdom, His principles that govern His church (the body of Christ) and His vision for the church as a whole.It focuses on the end-time ministry of the Holy Spirit and the misrepresentation of the lord Jesus Christ in our modern day world.

Whether behind the pulpit, in the live recording studio, on a podcast, a blog, leadership conference or retreat, Pastor Andrew delivers the infallible truth of the word of God without watering it down. The hidden mysteries of the Bible are brought to light through the breath of the Holy Spirit.The Divine presence of God can be felt, lives are touched and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ receives all the glory. Connect with Pastor Andrew and elevate your passion for the things of God today.