When God does the pruning 

Jesus said:

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 16:5).

The Word prune means: To cultivate, to trim, to cut off defects or to clip off imperfections.

October sits between summer and winter it’s called the fall season in reference to the time of the year when trees shed their leafs.

 Jesus uses a tree as a metaphor to illustrate and describe the life of the believer in John 16:5. Jesus calls you the branch of a tree, He is the vine and our Heavenly Father is the Gardener.

 When you utilize your gifts to help build the body of Christ in obedience to God, He prunes you so that you may bear more fruit and accomplish more for the body of Christ.

Pruning is used to remove unnecessary branches on a tree or a plant. Unnecessary branches are negative people in your life, wrong association you may be affiliated with and or an unconducive environment you may be investing your strength and time in.    

Pruning promotes healthy growth and is necessary in maintaining spiritual attractiveness and a healthy outlook.

As in October which is  the fall season,  trees shed their leaves to make way for new ones to come. Likewise, in certain seasons in your life, God must prune you in order to unveil the  newness and freshness of His glory in you to the World.

Pruning might not feel good because it requires cutting off or clipping of defects. Anything or anyone who adds to the nature of your flesh (the cravings in your sinful nature to sin against God) must be cut off.  

Cutting off people who influences you to sin rather than adding to your regenerated nature is part of the process of pruning . 

 Spiritual evaluation is essential i.e  “examining yourself” as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 13:5.  Are there habits, practices or behaviours you need to change? The Holy Spirit is your helper and your counsellor. He will help you if you surrender to Him. 

Pruning requires crucifying your flesh through obedience to the Word of God. It means picking up your cross daily and following the foot steps of Christ (Matthew 16:24).  

Our generation is a cross-less generation. We want the crown without the cross, we want to enter the promise land without going through the wilderness, we want the power of the Holy Spirit without the wilderness experience that Jesus had to go through (Matthew 4:1-11).

As a gardener prunes the branches to bear much fruit, likewise God must prune His chosen vessel in order for them to bear much fruit for the benefit of His people.

Pastor Andrew A. Osei

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