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Pastor Andrew and Mrs. Valerie Osei's ministry places significant emphasis on the following areas: a thorough exposition of biblical teachings, provision for the underprivileged, including widows and orphans, and intercessory prayer for both believers and non-believers worldwide.

Let's Talk

End-Time | Holiness | The Church

Let's Pray

GlobalTV broadcasts its content to a wide audience across 100 countries spanning 6 continents. As we pray for you, the church and the nations.

Let's Give

Providing assistance to individuals in need, including the impoverished, widows, and orphans.

Quote of the Week

Released. Unleashed. Freedom. Liberation.



The Church. Ministry.

Jesus said:

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 16:5).

The Word prune means: To cultivate, to trim, to cut off defects or to clip off imperfections.

The month of October sits between summer and winter it’s called the fall season in reference to the time of the year when trees shed their leafs.

 Jesus uses a tree as a metaphor to illustrate and describe the life of the believer in John 16:5. Jesus calls you the branch of a tree, He is the vine and our Heavenly Father is the Gardener.

Pruning is used to remove unnecessary branches on a tree or a plant. Unnecessary branches are negative people in your life, wrong association you may be affiliated with and or an unconducive environment you may be investing your strength and time in.  Pruning promotes…


Keeping the devil on the defensive

Prayer, Spiritual Warfare.

Did you know that you can be a Christian and not know how to pray? Did you know that prayer can be learned? Did you know that you can develop a habit of praying more effectively?

In the four gospels, Jesus’ disciples, although exposed to his teachings and public and private prayers, lacked the understanding of prayer until they sought guidance from Jesus Himself, as depicted in Luke 11:1.

This request led to the teaching of what is commonly known as “The Lord’s Prayer” (Luke 11:1-4).

Contrary to popular belief, the Lord’s prayer was not merely meant for recitation but serves as a model for strengthening one’s prayer life.

To emulate and enhance one’s prayer life, studying Jesus’ prayer habits in the gospels is paramount. His commitment to personal prayer time, inclusion of others in prayer, and intercessory prayer are exemplary. 

There are three key prayer habits of Jesus that are worth emulating…

What profits a man

End-Time, Salvation.

The President of UAE , Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed dies on the 13th of May, 2022. He was worth over $18 billion and controlled over $10 Trillion in oil reserves. But, was laid to rest wrapped in only two pieces of white cloth.  If death doesn’t humble you, what will?

The greatest treasure you possess is not the houses you own, the cars you have, the businesses you own or the title you have. Your greatest treasure is the Holy Spirit inside of you which is a guaranteed deposit (2 Corinthians 1:22), that you belong to the Kingdom of heaven…

Latest News

7 Days Fasting & Prayer


(Broken relationships, Desecrated altars in our churches & Backsliding believers in Christ).

DATE: October 1st to October 7th (7days, 6am-6pm).

SCRIPTUREIsaiah 58:12
 “Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in”

For more information, subscribe at the bottom of this page.


The Diplomatic Assignment

“Influencing our elected City Councillors with Heavens Mandate.

The glass door behind me marks the venue where the Mayor and City Councillors of my City convene to enact legislative laws that govern the lives of the citizens in my City.

#Godhealourland Ministry Team Ministered the Word of God and offered prayers to the God of Heaven on behalf of our Mayor and City Counsellors during our visit.

Today, I offer a prayer for you that, through the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will have a positive influence on the leaders in your City. I pray that you will impact your territorial domain like Daniel, Joseph, and Esther in the Bible. As a representative of Heaven, you are an ambassador entrusted by God to effect transformative change within your regional sphere.   

It is crucial to bear in mind that impacting lives with the values of Heaven holds greater significance to God than garnering popularity among the masses.

As stated in 2 Corinthians 5:20, “Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ.”


God is removing the stigma, the mark of disgrace, infamy, stain and reproach in your family bloodline. You will set a new trend for others to follow. 

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