What to do, when you don’t know what to do.

When individuals are faced with a crisis, God perceives it as an opportunity. The Bible recounts an episode in which Jesus interacted with a visually impaired individual in the book of John, chapter 9, verses 1-3. When the disciples inquired whether the man’s blindness was a result of his own sin or the sins of his parents, Jesus provided a response in John 9:3.

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him”.

When the disciples saw a problem, Jesus saw an opportunity. In Genesis 1:2 the Bible says,

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”.

We see here that when God first set His eyes on earth it was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

The term “void” signifies something that is without value or purpose. According to biblical beliefs, the Spirit of God acted upon the formless waters to turn an unproductive situation into one of beauty and significance. While the earth appeared empty and devoid, God recognized potential for growth and development.

This foresight has since been validated by the flourishing world we inhabit today, populated by over 7 billion individuals and rich in natural resources, minerals, and diverse wildlife. In times of adversity, God perceives opportunities for resolution. Where humans perceive challenges, God identifies possibilities for resolution.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? There are 5 scriptural solutions that will help you come out of any difficult situation you may be currently facing. When you do not know what to do:

  1. Be true to yourself: It is important to be truthful with oneself and admit when one is unable to manage their problems independently. According to Proverbs 11:3 in the Bible, “The integrity of the upright shall guide them, but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them”. Integrity, as defined here, refers to honesty. Refusing to acknowledge one’s limitations may prevent the manifestation of miracles facilitated by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit operates through individuals who demonstrate openness, truthfulness, and transparency in order to bring about divine intervention in their lives.
  2.  Inquiry of the Lord: The Bible says in 1 Samuel 30:1-8 that in a single day, David almost lost everything he had. He lost his home, wife, children and friends when his enemies invaded his city and burned it with fire. Prior to that, David had killed a giant called Goliath. David knew how to fight and could pursue the perpetrators who had invaded his city. Nevertheless, he inquired of the Lord first. He put God first above his emotions and impulses to retaliate. Remember Jesus said, “I am the first and the last (Revelation 22:13)”. In other words, God wants to be the first person you inquire of for wisdom and ideas when you encounter problems that are too difficult to deal with.

  1. Exercise patience: In Genesis 16:3, the Bible says that Sarah gave her husband Abraham to her servant Hagar as a surrogate to birth a child. Although Abraham and his wife had a relationship with God, yet his wife was impatient to trust in the Lord’s process. Rather, she made a quick decision and as a result, Hagar gave birth to Ishmael who became the descendants of all the Islamic states with most of the states wrestling with Christians for centuries. When you do not practice patience in times of crises, you will make terrible mistakes that can result in birthing Ishmael which can power struggle with the divine dreams God has impregnated within you.
  2. Connect with a trusted mentor: Jesus had a greater understanding of mentorship. In John 14:16-18, Jesus promised His disciples that after His departure to heaven, He will ask His father to send them another helper (the Holy Spirit, a Mentor). A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor. Not everyone is qualified to be a mentor. A mentor should be a person who can be trusted with secrets. A mentor should be a person you can trust with your life. Remember Moses was mentored for 40 years by his father in law Jethro. Joshua had Moses, Timothy was mentored by Apostle Paul, Elijah had Elisha and the disciples had Jesus. A trusted mentor who has been gifted with spiritual wisdom can be of a great help to direct you out of your dilemma when you don’t know what to do.
  3. Trust in the Lord: In Proverbs 3:5-6, we read,

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord and depart from evil”.

Having faith in God entails believing in His ability to intervene in your circumstances at the appropriate time to ensure your success, no matter the challenges you may be facing. It is important to recall the words of Jesus, who declared Himself as the “Alpha and the Omega.” The Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, symbolizing God’s eternal nature and omnipotence. This indicates that God is always present and prepared to help us if we place our complete trust in Him, regardless of the difficulties we encounter in life.

Author: Andrew A. Osei

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