Overcoming your Temptations.

The Apostle builds many churches, the Prophet prophecies with accuracy, the Evangelist wins many souls, the Pastor shepherds God’s congregation, the teacher teaches with revelatory words. Regardless of the level of anointing each may function in, none of them are immune to the temptations of Satan.

One can be tempted to mishandle the church funds, manipulate God’s people to sow a seed to enrich themselves. The other might be tempted with sexual lust as a plot from Satan to defile or desecrate the temple of God which is the inward man of the minister. Satan often sets traps through temptation with the intention of tarnishing the reputation of the Lord’s minister and His church which is His bride.

Temptation comes in many forms, always looking pleasant to the natural eyes. But often, camouflages with deception. Satan always isolates a person before he entices them with temptation and when you give in to the temptation, it gives birth to sin according to James 1:14.

The Bible says God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). Well, Satan is also no respecter of persons. Regardless of what position or title you may hold in this life, once Satan tempts you and you fall, your integrity, trust and morality will be tarnished within the community and the people God has called you to influence. Once you fall into the trap of Satan, the people and the community God has entrusted you to lead may lose their faith not only in you but also in God as well.

Defining Temptations

The late Dr. Myles Munro once said that, “Temptation means to test for weakness in a person”.

Temptation can be defined as “a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals” .

The Bible records that Jesus was led in the wilderness to be tempted by Satan in three different scenarios (Luke 4:1-14). After the Lord resisted and triumphed over Satan, the Bible says that He returned in the POWER of the Spirit (Luke 4:14). This means that Jesus was led to be tempted so see if He had weakness in his body, soul and Spirit. Once weakness was not found in him, He was certified and sealed as having POWER in the Spirit (Luke 4:14).

In Luke 4:1-14, Jesus revealed the secrets of how we can overcome our temptations. In each of His temptation, he responded by saying, “ IT IS WRITTEN”. He overcame because He knew what was written in the Bible. The Word of God was downloaded in His heart. Hence, He was able to resist Satan and overcome his temptations. That’s why the Bible says, “Thy Word have I hidden in my heart so that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11).

In Luke 4:1-14, Jesus was quarantined for 40 days, tempted by satan. He overcame and exited the wilderness in the power of the Spirit. Moses quarantined himself on two separate occasions both on a 40 day fast and returned with the 10 commandments which has impacted the whole world (Exodus 24:38, Deuteronomy 9:1-11). During this season of quarantine, if you yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit who can empower you to overcome temptations and use your time wisely, when this season of quarantine is over, you will return in the power of the Spirit.

One of the directions given to us by the Lord to overcome our temptations is found in Matthew 26:41, “Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”. Prayerlessness weakens the body and soul (mind, will and emotions) and can cause it to yield to Satan’s schemes. A prayerful Christian (one who prays the scriptures effectually and fervently) and walks in obedience to the principles of the Word of God is one that Satan dreads. Why? Because that believer reminds Satan of the Lord Jesus Christ. That believer will always triumph and prevail against his schemes.

All of your temptation must be dealt with through the Holy Scriptures. Satan is not afraid of your words, He is afraid of God’s Word spoken out of the mouth of His obedient servants. Satan is not afraid of you, he is afraid of the Spirit of Christ who resides inside you (the Holy Spirit). Hence, the Bible says greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Meditate in the Bible and be a doer of the Word. Walk faithfully in the Word, let the Word become part of your thought pattern. Let the nature of the Holy Spirit permeate your nature. Let the principles of the Word of God be your guide, your shield and your protection and then you will experience a great and triumphant victory over the schemes and temptations of Satan.

Author Andrew A Osei

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