Encountering the glory of God.

The splendor of God manifests in the visage of Jesus the resurrected Christ. According to scripture, Jesus Christ is described as the effulgence of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being (Hebrews 1:3).

Through fervent pursuit of God with unwavering devotion, His glory will illuminate and envelop you. Seeking His presence will result in the transfer of His divine radiance onto you.

What does it mean to seek the face of God? It means you pursue God through prayer and fasting, you yield to the Holy Spirit, setting yourself apart to walk in holiness and in the reverential fear of the Lord. It means to put God first above all else.

Be reminded that Jesus said, “I am the first and the last” (Revelation 22:13). This means God wants to be first above everything and anything in your life. The disciples of Christ said, “we have left everything to follow you” (Matthew 19:27).

What is the significance of seeking the presence of God? It entails actively engaging in prayer and fasting, surrendering to the influence of the Holy Spirit, dedicating oneself to a life of holiness, and approaching the Lord with a sense of awe and reverence.

It necessitates prioritizing God above all other pursuits. The manifestation of God’s glory requires a willingness to make sacrifices and a deep hunger for His presence, as well as a willingness to let go of worldly desires.

Moses understood the importance of both the process and the cost involved in experiencing the tangible and magnificent presence of God.

In Exodus 24:12-18 and 33:18-20, Moses abandoned all worldly possessions, including his close relatives and companions, in order to ascend Mount Sinai and commune with God. For a period of 40 days, he abstained from sustenance in his quest for the supernatural power and magnificence presence of God.

It is only when individuals of this current era possess a similar fervor and willingness to make profound sacrifices that we may witness the authentic glory of God manifest in our churches and in the lives of believers.

God said, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart”(Jeremiah 29:13).

The lord is looking for vessels of honour to use for His work on earth.  I believe that we are the generation prophesied by King David in Psalm 24:6 when he said, “This is the generation of them that seek Him, that seek thy face O God of Jacob”.

As the church readies itself for the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ, I fervently pray that this generation will be granted a glimpse and experience of the genuine glory of the Lord.

It is my sincere hope that ministers worldwide will operate in authentic anointing, and that the church will bear witness to and behold the genuine manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit prior to the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Author: Andrew A Osei

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