Breakthrough | Freedom | Dominion.

Jeremiah 18:1-2 KJV, “The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words”.

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying, “ARISE”. Many are too comfortable in their present location that even when God says “arise and go” (relocate to another destination so that I can speak to you), they are unable to do so. Many have been so entrenched and accustomed to traditions of their present environment, insomuch that they are unable to move forward with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Jeremiah received a divine message to visit the potter’s house in order to hear the voice of the Lord. This indicates that God wished to communicate with Jeremiah not at his current location but at a specific destination chosen by divine guidance.

Many today yearn to hear a direct direction from the Lord but find themselves in the wrong setting, accompanied by the wrong people and influenced by incorrect voices.

When God first came to Abraham in Genesis chapter 12, God said this to Abraham who was then called Abram, “GO from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1).

Abraham was commissioned by God to depart from his comfortable surroundings, his traditions, history, and heritage, a place that he held dear and away from those whom he cherished.

Abraham was required to depart to fulfill his calling, purpose, or mission in life. Had Abraham chosen not to depart and instead ignored the calling of God or sought guidance from an ill-advised source, he would have jeopardized his divine destiny.

Often, when God chooses a person for a greater purpose, He will request that they depart from their places of comfort to follow and fulfill His divine calling in their lives.

The Lord may be communicating with you through the guidance of the Holy Spirit within you, prompting you to consider leaving your present environment (whether it be your workplace, current place of worship, or residence) and relocating to a new destination. However, you may be hesitant to take such a significant step.

Perhaps the Lord is speaking to you even now through this narrative to start that ministry or that business to help advance His Kingdom.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). 

Perhaps the Lord is currently communicating with you through this narrative in order to inspire the initiation of a ministry or business that contributes to the expansion of His Kingdom.

The directive given by the Lord to His disciples (followers worldwide) in Matthew 28:19, known as the great commission, was a clear instruction to “Go into all the world”, signifying the necessity to step outside one’s comfort zone and extend outreach to individuals globally.

In Matthew 28:19, the Lord said, “Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”.

The instruction God gave to Abraham in Genesis 12:1, is very similar to the great commission in Matthew 28:19, and notice that in both cases, God uses the word “GO.

Often, the people we choose to surround ourselves with, the negative influences that speak to us and the environment in which we find ourselves entrenched can impede our ability to discern the clear voice of the Holy Spirit.

God places importance on the atmosphere in which we exist, as well as the circle of individuals who influence us.

The voices that surround you are significant to God because a seed will always replicate its own kind. You are likened to a seed that must be sown in the appropriate soil (the right environment), pruned and shaped occasionally (receiving constructive feedback from the right people).

Often, a change of venue and environment is necessary to hear the direction of God which will consistently instruct you to go, move forward, step out by faith, never give up, be persistent and steadfast to my leading.

It is essential to seek a change in your location and surroundings if you yearn to hear the voice of God.

If you desire to advance, progress and persevere in your endeavours then the voice of God is currently saying to you “ARISE and GO”, without fear of relocating.

He who has begun a good work in you, will carry it out into completion (Philippians 1:6)”.

May God guide your steps today, as the footsteps of the righteous are ordained by Him (Psalms 37:23).

May He grant you strength and enable you to move towards the path where your divine purpose resides.

May you find a place where His voice is clear and can be distinguished, a place where His calling for your life can be fulfilled without external distractions.

It is my prayer that the destiny impregnated inside you will not be aborted or mishandled by the wrong people. Rather, it will be birthed fully in the right place and at the right time.

When Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, was pregnant with the Lord, she attempted to give birth in various places but couldn’t, because there was no available place for her (Luke 2:6-21).

The only place that was available for her was a manger. A place outside of Mary’s comfort zone. A place that did not look pleasant to the eyes. Nevertheless, that was where she was destined to birth the seed (Jesus Christ) that ended up revolutionizing the entire world.

There is a place destined for you to deliver the dreams that God has placed inside you. A place assigned for you to give birth to that purpose and to fulfill the assignment God has called you to accomplish. That place might not be conducive or pleasant to the natural eyes. It might not be your current location.

It might be in a country outside of your comfort zone, to a people who really need what God has placed inside you.

Trust in the Lord, trust His direction, trust His voice above any voice, trust in His Holy Word (the Bible), which He will use to direct your path. When everything around you seems dim, always remember, God is faithful and He will fulfill all of His promises to you now and forevermore. Amen.

Author: Andrew A Osei.


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