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What is an unclean Spirit?

Unclean spirits are angels that rebelled and lost their status in heaven along with Lucifer the Adversary. The word “unclean” is translated from the Greek word “akatharton”, which means “inherently unclean”.

The Greek term appears 21 times in the New Testament in the context of demonic possession. It is also translated into English as a spirit of impurity. The exorcism of an unclean spirit was the first act of Jesus’s public ministry in Luke 4:33-35.

There are various ways an unclean spirit can enter a person’s body and that is through adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, masturbation, incest and lasciviousness. In the book of Galatians 5:19-21, the Bible lists seventeen (17) sins which God calls the lust of the flesh. The first four deals specifically with unclean spirits which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lasciviousness.

There are many today within the body of Christ who are fighting a very deep secret and private battles. They have indulged into various types of sexual unclean behaviors and are unable to either quit or get out of it. Many do not trust to share their addiction of sin with anyone because of fear of embarrassment, ridicule or judgment. Therefore, the battle goes on often for years without deliverance. 

In Luke 4:33-35, the Bible records that Jesus entered a synagogue where they were having what I will call a church service. There was a man who had an unclean spirit who stood up during the service and begun to shout at Jesus, causing a disturbance during the service. The Bible says Jesus rebuked the spirit and the man was immediately set free. Now, consider if this same man with an unclean spirit was to disrupt a service in our modern-day church. Some may usher the man out of the sanctuary for disturbing the peace and later might attempt to give him the necessary counseling that he requires. Jesus did not do that; He commanded the unclean spirit and it left the man (Please read Luke 4:33-35).

In Matthew 10:1, the Bible says,

And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease”.

There are many today within the church walls that are battling with pornography, fornication and various types of sexual sins. Often, they pray a prayer of repentance which is great but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they have been delivered. Consider if the man whom Jesus set free in Luke 4:33 had only prayed a prayer of repentance, God would have forgiven him, but he would have still gone home with the unclean spirit within him. 

Today, the deliverance ministry within the body of Christ has been pushed aside and rather the church is full of entertainment with half an hour preaching and limited prayer services. Many are suffering with various types of sexual lusts and there is no help. The body of Christ is interested in building bigger churches, buying big buildings, fighting amongst each other and competing.

The devil is laughing at the people of God as he saturates and fills the minds and hearts of believers with erotic images and excitement through television, internet, movie theaters and magazine knowing that it will deplete and weaken the body of Christ of its spiritual strength and power to operate in the supernatural. But God is raising up a new generation, a people that I call the Jehu generation who will not fall into the sexual enticement of Jezebel, ‘who paints her face with eye makeup to seduced God’s people with her sexual appearances’ (2 King 9:30-35).

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 4:20, “For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but power”. Today, most of our churches are full of ministers who preach with enticing words of man’s wisdom but without power to cast out unclean spirits. Many Christians attend churches, they shout and clap during the sermons, they dance like David danced during the praise and worship but leave and go home without being delivered from the spirit which drives them to indulge in unclean sexual behaviors.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:4, “And my speech and preaching was not enticing with words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power”

It takes divine power to resist the temptation of sexual lust. It takes divine power to stand up against unholy promiscuous behaviors. It takes divine power to stand up for what is right and say “I will honour and obey the word of the living God” in a world which Jesus calls faithless and an adulterous generation (Matthew 17:17).

I pray that the Lord will anoint, equip and choose you as an instrument to set those bound by unclean spirits free. May the Lord empower you to destroy Delilah before she strips the anointing off of you and from those that God has chosen like she did to Samson. May you be strengthened to flee from fornication like Joseph did against Potiphar’s wife. May you be strong in the Lord and the power of His might to fulfill your God given calling with power in Jesus name, Amen.

Author: Andrew A Osei 

Recommended “Understanding Sexual spirits by Pastor Andrew A Osei.


  1. Mirjana Stevanovic

    Very good information, Pastor Andrew, all about unclean spirits. You have explained the problem with these spirits and how people/churches deal with them. Could you please tell me about the spirit of laziness. I deal with it everyday as it is in my son. I have a very hard time getting him to anything from cleaning his room, to making his own food, to laundry, taking garbage out, whatever the task might be. He does have a job now, he can keep a job although it is usually for about 6 – 8 months. Can I cast this spirit out of him ? Does he have to agree to it ? Do I have to be standing infront of him or can I do it just speaking into the air from my room. Is it something that he has to let go of/give up. I would appreciate any information you can give. Thank-you. God bless you.

    1. Hello Mirjana Stevanovic, thank you for reaching out. The spirit of laziness is often connected to the spirit of poverty. Laziness is only a fruit that can be seen but it has invisible roots which is the spirit of poverty. Please be mindful that if a person doesn’t want to be delivered, there is nothing you can really do but to continue praying for them and interceed on their behalf. Based on what you are saying about your son, I do not believe he is possessed with an evil spirit but rather he MIGHT be going through a phase; a typical young adult behavior exhibited by many young people in society today. He needs consistent guidance and a structured environment at home eg list of things he needs to complete through out the week to help assist him with his daily chores. Try using a reward system as well eg if you complete this chore you will receive this reward. Sometimes it does come down to a reward system to keep them motivated. Keep in mind not every negative behavior is demonically related.

      1. Mirjana Stevanovic

        Thank-you Pastor Osei, I appreciate you feedback and will surely try what you have suggested. Blessings to you and your family.

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