Of all the evil entities within the Satanic realm, the spirit of witchcraft stands out as the solitary force capable of influencing an individual to engage in activities such as preaching the gospel, prophesying, speaking in tongues, participating in choir performances, and assuming leadership roles within a church.

The primary objective of witchcraft is solely to deceive individuals faithful to God and instill skepticism, hindering their understanding and adherence to the genuine truth.

The book of Galatians 3:1 Paul wrote:

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you”

Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6).

The primary goal of a spirit of witchcraft is to lead people astray from the teachings of the Lord and distort the truth within His Bible by guiding people onto a perilous path.

The spirit of witchcraft has the capability to infiltrating a church by first manipulating its leaders through deceit, misinformation, and erroneous beliefs, ultimately leading to the spirit’s control over the entire congregation.

The historical example of the Galatian church serves as a poignant illustration of how witchcraft can assert dominance over a religious community.

Paul wrote in Galatians 1:6-7 KJV

“I am surprised that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ”.

The term ‘pervert’ entails distorting, corrupting, twisting, falsifying, misconstruing, abusing, diverting, bending, or misusing.

Through keen discernment, Paul discerned that the Galatian church was ensnared by witchcraft, as the truth of the gospel had been distorted. The congregation had been enticed to embrace a different gospel.

The term gospel refers to “the good news.” This indicates that someone had been proclaiming or instructing the Galatian church a different gospel, one that deviates from the genuine message of the Kingdom, employing a spirit of witchcraft.

The entire congregation, along with its leaders, has been affected by a form of bewitchment, as the spirit has been permitted to spread a distorted message of Christ and the Kingdom from behind the pulpit.

What is the authentic message of the kingdom? What teachings did Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul, and the other disciples convey that were absent in the Galatian church and in contemporary churches?

The response to these inquiries can be found in the initial sermon delivered by Jesus in Matthew 4:17. It says,

From that time on Jesus began to preach, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near”.

Jesus taught the importance of repentance, which entails turning away from sin and leading a righteous and holy life with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In contemporary times, numerous churches prioritize matters such as tithing, offerings, and church expansion through various means, even if they deviate from the teachings of the Bible.

As a result, speakers who emphasize repentance, similar to Jesus’ message, may find themselves unwelcome to preach from the pulpit again.

It is evident that some entities prioritize accumulating wealth over fulfilling God’s will and desires, reflecting a spirit of witchcraft.

The Bible says,

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination (witchcraft) met us, which brought her masters much gain (money) by soothsaying” (Acts 16:16).

There is no inherent issue with amassing wealth within the kingdom of God and the church, as long as such funds are disseminated judiciously in accordance with divine wisdom (Acts 4:34).

It is imperative to prioritize the care and support of the church and its community, including the destitute, widowed, orphaned, and underprivileged individuals worldwide.

Regrettably, the body of Christ appears to be veering off course from the true message of the Kingdom and its intended purpose. Instead, there is a noticeable shift towards emphasizing superficial gatherings, financial schemes, and internal power struggles for titles or promotions within the church. (1 Timothy 6:18, Acts 6:1-7).

Some ministers put a strong emphasis on self-elevation instead of elevating Christ.

Numerous churches are characterized by the prevalence of flesh-driven concepts rather than those guided by the spirit. Presently, many churches prioritize the implementation of programs aimed at expanding their membership, rather than fostering a spiritually enriched congregation where God’s influence is paramount. (please read Acts 2:47 and Matthew 9:38).

While the presence of programs within a church is acceptable, if they overshadow and supplant authentic acts of worship, fasting, prayer, preaching the unquestionable word of God, and caring for the less fortunate, then a critical issue arises.

When the Holy Spirit is disregarded and relegated to a secondary position within the church, there is a vulnerability for demonic spirits, such as witchcraft, to infiltrate and exert control over the sacred space dedicated to the Lord.

The term “witchcraft” can be defined as the act of casting spells, utilizing cunning and deceitful practices.

The presence of witchcraft within a church can manifest in various ways, including:

  1. Mislead ministers and their congregation onto a path away from the truth (Galatians 3:1).

  2. Oppose those who seek to spread the true message of the Kingdom (John 7:1, Acts 4:6).

  3. Imitate the gifts of the Holy Spirit for their personal benefit (Acts 16:16).

The presence of witchcraft hardens people’s hearts and compels people to remain in a state of rebellion, disregarding the spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit).

This is why the Bible states that “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” (1 Samuel 15:23).

The practice of witchcraft resists God’s people from fully embracing the true message of the kingdom and can lead them to accept a counterfeit gospel that prioritizes sight over faith.

This is the Paul calls “a different gospel which is perverted” (Galatian 1:6-7).

This distortion presents a different interpretation of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, twisting scripture and potentially guiding individuals towards a path of destruction (2 Peter 3:16). 

s we approach the end times, God will distinguish between truth and falsehood, as seen in the time of Moses when God’s serpent triumphed over the serpent controlled by Pharaoh’s ministers who engaged in witchcraft (Exodus 7:10-13). 

May the Holy Spirit guide the people of God into all truth, which can only be discovered in the Holy Scriptures, given to all to search and to learn the true ways of the Lord.

May the Lord strengthen His church and help His people escape the deception of Satan, who has disguised his Ministers as sheep’s in wolf clothing.

I pray that the glorious light of God shine upon His church as He raises up men and women of God who without fear will preach the word of God boldly across the globe unto all generations.


I encourage you to pray for all Minister’s of the gospel across the globe. Pray that the church will return to the ways of the Lord.

I declare, that I will be the vessel that God will use to ignite a true revival in my community for the glory of God in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.

Author: Andrew A. Osei

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