Today, I pray that God performs a noticeable miracle in your life. A noticeable miracle is a miracle that will confirm to you and those around you that the Almighty God is truly by your side. 

In Acts 4:16, the Bible talks about a crippled man who received a noticeable miracle from the disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Bible highlights the miracle as a notable or a noticeable miracle. This means that  the miracle was visible to the cripple man who received it as well as to the public.

If you are reading this short article and you say to yourself well I am not cripple, therefore this narrative doesn’t apply to me.

Well let me get your attention for a minute, you see, there are lots of people who are not crippled in the natural but in the spirit realm (the unseen realm), they are sitting on a wheel chair paralyzed afraid to step out, take chances and move towards the divine path or destination that God has revealed to them.

Today, by divine authority in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that God lift you up from the place of stagnation and entrapment. May the sovereign hand of God catapults you from the pit of unfruitfulness into a fruitful place. A  place where you can truly maximize your potential and live the life that God has ordained for you to live. 

Greatness is inside of you because the Holy Spirit lives within you. Hence, the Bible says “ Greater is He who lives in you (referring to the Holy Spirit), that He who lives in the world” (referring to satan the god of this world).

Greatness is ahead of you because the true and living God has an astronomical plan for your life. God is ready to overturn every evil plans, plots and schemes of the devil and position you into path that will lead you to success.

I pray that the plans that God has for your life will materialized to benefit His kingdom and this generation, in Jesus Mighty name! Amen.

Written by: Pastor Andrew A. Osei

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