Because He lives, You will also live

Jesus was a miracle child, His ministry was full of miracles. As a matter of fact, Jesus performed 37 powerful miracles while on earth.

The greatest miracle associated with Jesus was not the ones he performed on others but the one in which He resurrected from the dead.

God knows that the greatest fear of human beings is death. Therefore, Jesus was made an example by God to us, to give us an assurance that death will not be the end for all who will believe in Jesus Christ.

In John 14:19, Jesus said: “Because I live, you also will live”.

To the unbeliever or the non Christian, death is a tragedy or a misfortune. But to the saved or the true followers of Jesus Christ such as you and I, death is a transitioning or a conversion from a lower glory (that’s earth) into a higher glory (that is heaven). Therefore, the empty tomb of Jesus Christ is a symbol of attaining a HIGHER GLORY.

The Bible says in Colossians 1:27, “Christ in you the hope of glory”.

In 1 Peter 1:3, the Bible says “He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

What a glorious moment it will be, on the day, we the saints reunite with the Lord in Heaven. As He is, so will we be in Jesus name, Amen!

Written by: Pastor Andrew 

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