When prayer becomes a habit, breakthrough is automatic. 

The book of Jonah is a perfect example of how prayerlessness can be detrimental during a time of adversity for any believer. The Bible says: 

“And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish’s belly.

‭‭(Jonah‬ ‭1:17‬ & 2:1).

If Jonah had pray on the first day that the fish swallowed him up, he would have avoided being there for two extra days. His reluctance to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:16) caused him to remain in the belly of the fish for two extra days.

The Bible says, “Three times a day Daniel prayed to God” (Daniel 6:10). David praised God seven times a day (Psalm 119:163). Jesus was often found hiding in a secluded place praying to the father (Mark 1:35).

Prayer is a daily necessity, it’s a communication between you and your Heavenly Father that should happen several times a day.

There are 24hrs in a day and each day that expires in which a believer does not talk to their Heavenly through prayer, praise and worship is like a person who lives in a house with their biological father and refusing to communicate with them. There will be a gap, there will be a disconnection that leads to an unstable relationship.

Prayer is the place where you draw Divine strength from God to help you complete your daily tasks. Prayer is an energy booster, it’s your life source. When prayer ceases, spiritual death is inevitable. 

A healthy Christian is one that never runs from God like Jonah did. They don’t hide from God like Adam did (Genesis 3:8). Rather, they communicate to God on a daily basis and when they miss a day, they sense in their spirit that something truly special is missing.

I pray, that the Holy Spirit will pour upon you the Spirit of supplication, worship and praise. May you never cease to communicate with your heavenly Father, your maker and your creator on a daily basis in Jesus matchless name, Amen.

Author: Andrew A. Osei

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