Breakthrough | Freedom | Dominion.

Revelation 6:9-10 KJV
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held; And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”

From the scriptures above, you can see that the altar truly does have a voice. Though the souls of these believers have been slain, yet their voices are crying from under the altar. The altar has a voice which often echos from one generation to another! Many today are benefiting from the altars of their great grandparents or parents who prayed fervently, interceding for them to become a people who love and serve God! See, men might forget but God never forgets the prayer uttered from the altar.

What is an altar? An altar is a place consecrated, set apart for God where man or woman meet with God in prayer. An altar can be a place set aside in your house where you go and pray to God. Some people call it the secret place, Jesus Christ calls it “the closet” (Matthew 6:6). Basically, the altar is a place where divinity (God) meets with humanity (you), It is a place where God’s divine direction is given to man enabling him to fulfill God’s divine assignment.

In the Old Testament, altars where made with 12 huge stones (1Kings 18:30-31), where animals were sacrificed as a form of prayer to God. In the New Testament, under the blood covenant, we are instructed to pray every where lifting up holy hands (1Timothy 2:8). Therefore, we do not need stones to build an altar but rather your altar can be a place in your home where you have set apart to meet with God in prayer on a daily basis.

In the Old Testament, they sacrificed the flesh of animals and burnt them on altars. In the New Testament, the flesh (our Adamic or carnal nature which is filled with lust) is slowly reduced to ashes and consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit due to the consistent visitation to the altar or the place of prayer.

Remember, when Solomon built an altar for God in 1 Kings 8:22-61 and prayed, the Bible says God answered him with divine fire from heaven which consumed the altar he had built. Remember when Elijah built an altar and prayed to God in 1 Kings 18:31-38, God answered him with fire from heaven.

In the New Testament, God might not necessarily answer his people with natural fire but with a spiritual fire ignited by the Holy Ghost which lights up every time man visits the altar to pray to God. That’s why the Bible says in Hebrew 12:29, “Our God is an all consuming fire”.

The secret thing about the altar is that one must never refrain from it, there must be a consistent prayer at the altar. That’s why the Bible says we should “pray without ceasing” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Time invested at the altar is never time wasted.

When you study the lifestyle of Jesus Christ in the gospels, you discover that He always separates Himself from the mass and goes to a secluded place (the place I called the altar) and pray to our Heavenly Father (Luke 5:16). Thus, He was able to do wonderful works by the hands of the Holy Spirit because He had a deep relationship with God and had a consistent and persistent communication at the altar.

The book of Revelations 6:9 says, “I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held; And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth”

The altar has a voice, words directed to God at the altar will always echo from earth into eternity. The prayers you have prayed at the secret place in your home, the tears you have shed in your prayer closet to God to save your loved ones, the intercession you have made for the body of Christ will forever echo in the heavenly realms from now to eternity.

God will never forget your labour of love and the sacrifice you pay each time you kneel before the altar and pray to God on behalf of others. God will forever reward the voice which utters effectual fervent Prayers at the altar. May you become that voice which God hears from the altar in your home praying for your loved ones.

May you become the voice which God hears first thing in the morning crying on behalf of men. May you become that voice which cries out loud from the altar into the throne room of God in the heavenly realms. May you become the voice which can never be silenced from now unto eternity in Jesus Mighty name.

Author: Andrew A Osei

5 thoughts on “THE VOICE FROM THE ALTAR”

  1. Akinola Oluwabamisegun Akingbade

    A Concise & deep thoughts/ inspirational analysis on an ALTAR that speaks which cannot naturally quantified . Yet ,it speaks Volumes & does terrible things in Righteousness
    I blessed God for this and saluted tenacity/ firmness of the writer.

  2. At first I didn’t know anything about alters until I make one for myself.I have peace and I am now connected to God than before.Amen

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