Breakthrough | Freedom | Dominion

I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob (Matthew 22:32). I am the God of your fathers (Exodus 3:6). These are some of the descriptions that God ascribed to Himself both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Why? Because God is a generational God.

Whenever God looks at a person, He sees them through the lens of their ancestors or descendants. In 1 Samuel 17, David is described as “David the son of an Ephrathite named Jesse, who was from Bethlehem in Judah” (1 Samuel 17:12). David is immediately connected to his father Jesse.

God never separates a man or woman from their descendants. The bloodline connection between you, your parents, grandparents and your descendants are always before God.

When God met Abraham in Genesis 26 and wanted to bless him, God said, “And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven” (Genesis 26:4). God could not separate Abraham from his descendants, the connection was inseparable. A blessing can transcend from one generation to another, so can a curse.

If your ancestors were carriers of God’s blessing, that blessing can transcend from them to you and your children. If they worshipped other gods and had idols in their homes, then they were carriers of curses according to Exodus 20:3-5. And that curse can transcend unto the second, third and fourth generation reaching all those that do not have a relationship with Jehovah God through His Son Jesus Christ.

When Adam sinned in Genesis chapter 3, his entire generation (the entire human race) was classified as sinners according to Romans 5:12. The consequence of Adam’s sin affected the entire human race. Thus, God had to be incarnated in the flesh (Jesus Christ), to die on the cross and shed His blood in order to destroy the bloodline curse mankind inherited through the sin of Adam.

Why did the sin of Adam and Eve affect the entire human race; even affecting those who are innocent who have not sinned? Why should the innocent bear the burden of their ancestors? This is because God does not separate a person from their ancestors. He sees you through the lens of your descendants. The ancestry bloodline connection between you and your forefathers is inseparable.

When God blessed Abraham in Genesis 26:4, the blessing transcended to His children, reaching to his grandchildren. When Adam and Eve sinned, curses transcended unto their children even unto the rest of the entire human race.

Blessings and curses are both transferable. They both transcend from one generation unto another. When a Godkind of blessing is transferred from parents to their children, it enables them to obtain both natural and spiritual wealth adding no sorrows to it according to Proverbs 10:22.

When a curse is transferred from one generation onto another, it becomes a stronghold within the family bringing hardship and failure, repeating itself from generation to generation.

The book of Joshua chapter 7:1-25 tells a story about a man named Achan, an Israelite who stole a Babylonian robe, two hundred pieces of silver, and a gold bar which were considered as “cursed things” during a war between the Israelites and the people of Jericho.

God had instructed the Israelites to not touch or bring any cursed thing from Jericho into their homes. Achan did the opposite and as a result, he died with his wife and children who were innocent. The sins of the father had fallen upon the wife and the children because a curse can transcend from a generation to another often becoming a stronghold within a family.

What is a stronghold?

A stronghold is identified as a place that has been fortified to protect it against an attack. Whenever there is a stronghold, there are powerful spiritual forces in operation. In other words, when a stronghold enters a family, it brings a strong resistance, it identifies the family as its own and won’t permit anyone within the family to be set free or to experience any type of success.

Whenever anyone within the family manages to succeed, it’s only for a season, it will not last. Wherever there is a stronghold, wicked satanic spirits can be located.

The spirit behind a stronghold can be deeply rooted and protected by spiritual forces who only have one objective which is to make sure that no one is free from its spiritual nest or prison. Strongholds often put spiritual shackles on their victims’ feet and spiritual handcuffs on their hands to hinder them from advancing in life.

Symptoms that indicate that a stronghold may be active in a person’s life which can ultimately reside permanently within a family transfering from one generation to another are:

Unclean sexual lust resulting in fornication or adultery, homosexuality, divorce, barrenness, constant miscarriages, child deformities, illness within a family bloodline, the spirit of insanity, substance abuse (such as alcohol, marijuana, barbiturates, cocaine, methamphetamine, opioids etc ), pre-mature death, mismanagement of wealth, poverty, intense sibling rivalry, intense spirit of jealousy, rebelliousness toward authorities (often residing in children, youth and young adult against their parents), witchcraft (controlling, manipulating and intimidating others to get what you want), pride, kleptomania (consistently stealing) and covetousness.

Satan controls the spirit behind these strongholds and often claim ownership of its victims. Those under attack by strongholds will struggle to break free until God’s divine power (the Holy Ghost) invades the situation and breaks the family free.

In Luke 4:18, the Bible says that Jesus Christ was anointed to set the captives (those in spiritual cages) free. Jesus could not have accomplished that task without the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, without the anointing, those dealing with strongholds can never be set free. It is the anointing that breaks yokes (Isaiah 10:27), it is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that sets the captives free.

How strongholds work

In 2 Samuel 11:12, the Bible tells us that David committed adultery. When you study the life of David’s son Solomon, you discover that he was a man who loved many women. The Bible records that Solomon had “700 wives and 300 concubines” (1 Kings 11).
The sexual lust in David was transferred to his son Solomon. While God was blessing David and preparing to transfer the blessing on David’s life unto his son Solomon, Satan was also busy working to transfer an adulterous spirit from David to his son Solomon. Whatever God does, Satan counterfeits it. When God is working, Satan is also working.

In Genesis 12:17, The Bible tells us that Abraham at one point lied that his wife Sarah was his sister, because he was afraid that she would be taken away from him by Pharaoh the king of Egypt.

We know that God describes Himself as “the way, the truth and the life” according to John 14:16. Which means that God does not lie, and neither should any of his children. The Bible also describes Satan as a “liar” (John 8:44). Therefore, when Abraham lied, it was not God who motivated him to do so. It was Satan.

In Genesis 26:1-11, the same spirit which caused Abraham to lie was transferred unto his son Isaac. The Bible records that Isaac uttered a lie calling his wife (Rebecca) his sister before king Abimelech because he also feared that the king will seize his wife from him.

While God was transferring generational blessings from Abraham unto his son Isaac, Satan was also busy transferring a lying spirit from Abraham unto Isaac.

In Genesis 11:30, the Bible records that Abrahams wife Sarah was barren (unable to have children). The same spirit of barrenness followed Abraham’s son Isaac because in Genesis 25:21, Isaac’s wife Rebecca was also barren and could not have children.

The stronghold of barrenness transcended from one generation to another. Even though Abraham and his son Isaac both had a relationship with God, yet they dealt with the generational stronghold of barrenness.

How to break free

Many of God’s children today are dealing with generational strongholds and are unable to break free. You love God, you go to church, you have sowed multiple seed offerings, have paid your tithe, serve in the church etc. Nevertheless, Satan has always managed to keep you away from your breakthrough and is planning to transfer your problems to your children. Today, the answer to your problem will be revealed to you through God’s Holy Scriptures.

Most of the issues you are facing today are deeply rooted and connected to generational strongholds. Most Christians will say that Christ has redeemed us from the cursed and they quote Galatians 3:13. That is indeed true, but ask yourself this question, since you gave your life to Christ, has all your issues in life been eliminated? Although many Christians have confessed Christ, yet they still struggle with various types of sins. One of the commonest sins that Christians struggle with is sexual sins and unfortunately Christian marriages sometimes end in divorce due to adultery.

Many Christian homes are in disarray, most of our youth are surrounded by negative peer pressure which often leads to rebelliousness against parents at home. Many have declared independence from their parents and have moved out of their family homes and cleaved unto their boyfriend and girlfriend against their parent’s approval. Most of our youth and young adults are sexually active before marriage.

Satan has stretched his wings wide over most churches and has set up his seat next to most Pastors and church leaders. Many have sowed countless seed offerings at their local churches for a breakthrough, yet, there are no answers. Why? Because strongholds tend to hide behind religion and false doctrines. Strongholds hate the light and the truth (which is Jesus Christ). Strongholds hate the authentic power of the Holy Spirit and they embrace counterfeits.

In order to break free from generational strongholds, one must first renounce and confess their sins and the sins of their forefathers according to the scriptures.

In Daniel 9:3-20, Daniel prayed renouncing his sins and the sins of his forefathers and God answered his prayers (Please read Daniel 9:3-20).

In the book of Nehemiah 1:6-7, Nehemiah prayed renouncing the sins of his forefathers and he got God’s attention (Please Read Nehemiah 9:3-20).

In Jeremiah 14:20, the Prophet Jeremiah who is considered as the mouthpiece of God acknowledged his sins and the sins of his forefathers in prayer and got Gods attention.

When Jesus taught his disciples to pray in Luke 4:11, He said “And forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us”. The word “us” refers to more than one person, it also means you and your family members. That’s why when Nehemiah, Daniel and Jeremiah prayed, they asked God to forgive them of their sins and the sins of their fathers. They recognized that the spiritual connection between them and their ancestors are inseparable before God.

Today, many are dealing with the same strongholds that their parents and grandparents had to deal with because of the bloodline connection between themselves and their ancestors.

In 2 Samuel 1:26, the Bible says that “David loved Jonathan” who was the son of king Saul. The Bible records that Saul rebelled against the laws of God (1 Samuel 15:23). The very same day that king Saul died, his son Jonathan who was innocent in his father’s sins died with him as well. This tells us that the consequences of the sins of the parents can sometimes come upon the children who are innocent.

Satan often traces your DNA and connects it to that of your forefathers. He uses that as a spiritual ground to attack you and your children without remorse. God is not a respecter of persons; Satan is not either. It takes the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to destroy the bloodline of generational curses. It takes the power of the Holy Ghost to drive away strongholds within a family.

May the Lord always grant you His divine presence. May the Lord remove every satanic footprint from your household.

May the words of the Lord Jesus Christ which He spoke to Zacchaeus in Luke 19:9 saying, “Today salvation has come to this house” be fulfilled within your family. May the benefits of salvation which includes breakthrough, deliverance and eternal life accompany you and your family members. May the grace, mercy and compassion of the Almighty God rest within your home in Jesus matchless name, Amen.


Pray with these scriptures immediately, Daniel 9:3-20, Nehemiah 1:6-7 and Jeremiah 14:20 renouncing all your sins and the sins of your ancestors.


I declare, that I will walk faithfully with the Lord and will raise my children in the Lord. I declare that as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Author: Andrew A. Osei

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